Kristina Lafiosca

Kristina Lafiosca is the newest addition to Stay Work Play, stepping into the role of Events & Communications Manager in December 2022.

As the Events & Communications Manager, Kristina oversees the content and communications strategy for Stay Work Play. She offers leadership in planning, coordinating, and evaluating the organization’s events, programs, and initiatives, and serves as the organization’s primary point of contact for both young professionals and young professional groups. A New Hampshire native, Kristina loves furthering the development of the Granite State and can often be found representing Stay Work Play at business events, young professionals network events, workshops, and trainings.

Kristina began her career in the nonprofit sector and eventually moved on to establish her own New Hampshire-based business. She draws on the knowledge and skill set of her past experience, offering an innovative perspective, marketing and communication skills, creativity, community leadership, and a deep understanding of the Granite State.

Beyond Stay Work Play, Kristina keeps her passion for building healthy and diversified communities alive by offering donation-based yoga, meditation, and wellness classes throughout the state, specifically for minority populations.

Contact Kristina at kristina (at) stayworkplay (dot) org